Professor Takashi Shinji: “A new age of scientific progress” is coming

Professor Takashi Shinji, Chief Scientific Advisor to Japan, recently issued a press release, as follows:

“There is going to be a very big announcement coming from the scientific community fairly soon, and … it promises to spark a new age of scientific progress and mutual benefit for the world should everything go as it seems to be going.”

When asked for clarification as to the nature of the upcoming announcement, he had this to say:

“Well, I don’t want to spoil too much of it, mostly provide a sort of teaser, build up interest so that the actual announcement reaches more people, but it is more of a pathway to future breakthroughs to benefit the entirety of humanity.”

We live in exciting times indeed!  Will this announcement be covering a new technology allowing for greater insight into current advancements, or a true singularity situation whose results cannot even be envisioned?  This reporter can’t wait to hear more.  Stay tuned!

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