Operation Emerald Skullcap – What THEY don’t want you to know

I appreciate that my four year hiatus may not have gone down brilliantly with the loyal readership of our site.

At the time of the summer of 2015, my last publication here, we were rife with rumours about Operation Jade Helm and what it would mean for us. Many of you were keen and quick to point out that no, we weren’t placed into FEMA camps built into Walmarts, nor were our cell-phone reception towers demolished or shut off.

I understand that now.

However, before we go much further, I ask you to open your eyes. Open your eyes and your minds, readers. I was wrong in the past, but something is happening around here. Look into why super-hard cement has been ordered to a mine in the centre of the USA. Look at why the army recruiters are out and about in far more force than usual. What about the unusually shaped fighter jets that are lazily hanging around in the sky above us. I haven’t seen any new announcements on arms deals with the UK; where has the funding come from and why are we modernising our fighter jet coverage when even ISIS were wiped out three years ago? They’re marked up with US colours, sure, and I’m sure I’ve even been waved at by a few of the pilots as they do low flybys; but what is happening out there? Just training, right?

Operation Emerald Skullcap begins later on this month, and will encompass troops training within local forest environments in the harsh winter. Why do they need this? Are we invading Finland? Will our cell-phones stop working? No. Will the average citizen be herded up and dealt with? No. Many will say this is just your standard training; but I remain to be convinced. I will be reaching out to the local authorities for some confirmation and reassurance, but I won’t be holding my breath.

Stay vigilant.

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